Sunday, March 4, 2007

Going to Church

I really miss going to church. I know that part of the sacrifice involved with being part of this ministry means not being able to attend church much of the time. It also means not being able to be plugged in at church ever. I think it must be like being a jungle missionary. It's not like they can jump in a canoe and head out to the local worship services. They aren't necessarily surrounded by a community of mature believers who can help them "charge their batteries." But it's hard. You don't realize how much of a sacrifice it is until you're into it for awhile. It takes its toll on the children.

Next week the retreat season is concluded, and I startled the children with the announcement that next week, going to church will recommence. Next comes the painful decision of where to go to church. For a couple of years now, we've been attending a charming little congregation of kind folk. But our new adopted daughters are not part of that in the least. They came as the winter retreat season began, and have only been out to Christmas services. The rest of the time it has been Bible study at camp, family worship, and morning or evening prayer. So now we have to decide how to take them to a church where most of what is preached and practiced is incongruent with who we are and how we practice our faith. But it's never easy to break ties and make changes. The easy route would be to continue as we have been going for these couple of years... letting church be an unimportant part of our lives. It's startling to realize that this is indeed true. And it is even truer for our children, because we long for worship, and community, and accountability. They don't even know how to miss it.

1 comment:

father foos said...

You're not going to be able to plug in anywhere with the ministry you're a part of, so my 2 cents is that when you get a chance to go, drive in and get the sacrament from Father Paul and worship God in the beauty of holiness!