Friday, January 14, 2011

New Year Resolutions

Yup, I've got 'em. I don't usually, but something came over me this year. Mainly I am trying to be good to myself. We canceled cable, and beloved bought me a Kindle for Christmas. This is helping me accomplish two of my goals, which are to spend less time melting my brain watching TV, and replace that activity with more reading. The second prong of that resolution is to get more sleep, which is also accomplished by turning off the TV and reading, which promptly puts me to sleep. I need a tether so I don't drop my Kindle.

Another two prong resolution is to get moving more, and eat less crap. This is a bit more tricky, as I HATE to exercise, and I do love me some crap-food, especially after 10 PM. I decided I would try and be moving enough to run/walk the 5K we are planning in Orlando. I've been out running/walking five times since I began. I am aiming for three times a week, and I'm on track with that. I have learned a few things along the way:
  • ALWAYS use the bathroom before leaving to run.
  • Wear warm clothing when running in sub-zero wind chills.
  • Allot an hour or so to thaw out various body parts when returning. Eyeballs and butt come to mind.
  • Do NOT shovel the entire driveway before running, and expect to run for more than a few staggering feet.
  • Did I mention, ALWAYS use the bathroom before heading out to run?
OK. So I think I am a pathetic athlete when it comes to the running portion of my exercise routine, but truthfully I can kick butt on the power walking, uphill hiking, and enduring the frigid wind. And my running is getting a little better. I go a little further, with less desperation. And if nothing else, I reassure myself that Orlando will be warm and flat, so I should be able to fly...right?


D said...

Great resolutions!
We canceled cable too. We actually got rid of our TV all together.

Freeing for sure!

D said...

oh look! Another D. You know it's not "me" because she shows actual cooking on her blog :P
I was thinking, you could just sit by the pool with me and we could root them on their 5k from there.

Nobody said...

Yes. Two D's. One I know in real life, and one I will soon be able to say that about, as well.

Kcaarin said...

HAHAHA!! LOVE it. I wouldn't count on Orlando being warm though. The frigid temps have been reaching pretty far south these days.