Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Here's To You Queen B

OK. You can stop all your complaining about how mean I make you sound, and revel in my tribute to you and your genius.

1 comment:

QueenB said...

I wish I had some witty, clever comeback to make, but I am at a loss for words. Your post on the adoption site so eloquently illustrated the importance of true, close friends, and the comments indicated the emptiness when that does not occur. I could not imagine having gone this far through this life journey without having a kindred spirit to lift me when I fall, to laugh when I am silly, to cry when I am broken, to chide me when I wimp out, to uphold me when I am weak, to pull me back when I am puffed up. And that doesn't apply just to this foster/adoption journey. You have been a sister in my heart for many, many years, through many life challenges and I thank God for having been introduced those many years ago. And, I am sorry about that green jacket....the red really did look better on your son, and the green looked better on mine.....