Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I Love Pajamas

I was chatting the other day with my good friend BJ, and she noted that she was still in her 'jammies. She said this like it was a bad thing, which for her, it apparently is. And although I find myself often in agreement with the wise and all knowing Betty Jo, I just am not this time. In fact, I responded by saying that I was still in mine too, and I said it with pride. Any day I can spend entirely in my PJs is a day well spent. I love pajamas, and have a nice assortment of them, in various fun styles and colors. I can be seen doing just about anything in them, and very comfortably I might add. Finding me in my night clothes is no indication of illness in the house, or of the time I rose this morning.

One of my heroes, Cindy Bodie, single mom to 39 children, speaks often of living in her pajamas. In her houseful of traumatized and edgy children, coming and going while Mom remains at home in her PJs is a sign that all is right with the world. She discusses the phenomenon of appearing nicely dressed, and sending one or more of her children into a tailspin, as they convince themselves she is planning her escape to an exotic location. Nothing short of putting on the grubby nightclothes will reassure them. I observe a similar vibe in our house.

Still, I have to admit that I have not attained the highest form of PJ freedom. I do not go out to Walmart in my 'jammies. I want to. I wish I were this mature...but I'm just not there yet. I have to at least drag on a pair of sweatpants, which I suppose might qualify if I actually slept in them. But there is always room for growth, so I might make it there someday.

As an important PJ aside, it is worth knowing that if you are a thrift store shopper, awesome 'jammies are to be found soon after Christmas, for pennies on the dollar. Lots of really fun, cozy PJ's get donated right after Christmas, many still bearing the store tags. I picked up about a dozen sets this year for the girls and me, and paid about $2-3 per set. Ah yes, and lest I forget, a set for Daddy, plus flannel pants for baby boy, and his favorite...a red and white striped nightshirt.


Cindy said...

And remember any combination of sweat pants, sweatshirt, T-shirt, leggings or any other nearly unpresentable item of clothing will do...

QueenB said...

See, my issue with wearing my jamammers all day is that I have that "sloggy, groggy" mentality when I wear them during the day. My mind stays in the shut down, ready for sleep mode when I am in my jamammers. I end up just lolling through my day. Plus, my family does NOT take me seriously when I am in my jamammers. You know, I am so into layers, which means leggings, really bulky socks, my saggy baggy sleep bra (!!!) my henley shirt AND my flannel nightie over all. I dunno, it just doesn't translate power and authority here. (ha!) It's just dopey, grumpy, sleepy mom. BTW, I happen to have it on good authority that you wore your jamammers to close on your house settlement!!! I think that's on par with Wallie World!

QueenB said...

Of course, it could stem from my phobia of being caught outside in less than I should be: do you recall the story of my beloved hubby, driving off our driveway heading to be the "Mobil Man" for yet another day, and waving cheerful goodbyes to me while I was screaming to him that I hope he did not lock me out of the house in his single minded focus of getting to the station......when alas, that was EXACTLY what he did, leaving me locked outside with a newborn sleeping in a crib inside, and me outside in my SHORTIE bathrobe, NO jamammers under that either (don't ask why I was outside. Had to do with septic, something that was MY job to deal with since hubby could only focus on gas, tires, and other related automotive issues.....)which left me having to walk up street (which was still relatively undeveloped) trying to find somebody who would let me in so I could call my in laws to come over with the spare key.....I dunno, waving to passersby, smiling and nodding like it was something I did everyday just did a number on my delicate psyche....so, this is why I must always be fully dressed, with a set of keys in my pocket, and have never let my darling hubby forget it......