Sunday, December 16, 2007

Blustery Day

Since I have been so diligent to post updates on the weather here, I figured I would finish up my series of reports. We really never got much snow...a little bit, and then some scouring ice. Scouring, because it was driven by gale force winds. What does the wind speed have to be to rip the shingles off the roof of your house and break a tree in the front yard in half? Because that's the speed we had last night and well into the daytime hours today. Hubby and I spent over an hour this morning deicing the gates to the goat pens, thawing water buckets, "coating up" my old lady goat in her purple winter jacket, and building a wind break for the goat house. By the time we blew back in the door we were frozen stiff and ready to crawl back in bed. Fighting that wind is exhausting!

Otherwise it has been a quiet day. Church was canceled for obvious reasons. I spent the afternoon finishing that mountain of sewing and mending, and I can finally say that the mountain, ironing board, and sewing machines are all gone! My living room looks downright empty! The children made a big mess and a lot of noise, so I guess they were happy for the most part. Now we are ready to tackle what was supposed to be a quiet week, except with all the cancellations, it is now quite full. Uggh! And I still have to shop too. Here's hoping the weather cooperates!


Anonymous said...

Want to hear of good weather? I am picking up my parents on Thursday at the airport- from West Palm Beach. Yes, it is sunny and warm there. I think over the last three years, my dad has worn pants twice. Playstation? heck no, I want climation- you know, you put in a disc and out comes the weather from Florida, China, Jamaica- wherever you'd like. Or I wish, when I call them that the warmth comes through the phone. Either way, with this weather, I'd wish for anything.

Well, it looks like I may have pneumonia again this Christmas. Last year at this time, I was sick too. I am not sure if it is the stress of school or the exposure to so many, but I haven't had it for about 15 years before.

Stress, what a joy. I am struggling with so much. Life choices, children's behavior, and yada, yada, yada. When you wrote about facing the wind, this is how I feel.

Well, I hope the week looks up for you and family and the cold weather keeps at bay so you can finish up. May God bless you.

QueenB said...

Weather here COLD, but sunny. Ice storm blew through and out on Sunday, lots of ice especially heading down the windy, hilly road to the "Golden Mile" of stores. Sun came out and melted the trees, and cleared things up. We voluntarily skipped the children's Christmas program at the church/school, much to the chagrin of the Pastor who (lives across the street from the church) proclaimed that there wasn't any ice on the roads....hubby didn't want to chance ice on the hills getting there with the van, and I didn't want to drive in the 2 4-WD vehicles. Saw your firstborn yesterday and her darling hubby. Reminds us of how much we miss you all. We were up to our ears with the adoption plan meeting - and of course the ensuing behaviors. Taking elder(at home) daughter #2to the dermatologist for something on her face. I think I am brewing a sinus infection cause I keep getting a shooting pain up my forehead - feels like something in there, and of course, swelling and pain on my eyebrow. Hey "whoamikiddin" - remember you gave me a sinus massage oh, 12 years ago before girls' group?????? Do you think you could come here and do that again??!!!!! BTW, enjoy hearing from you through this blog - it helps to keep the circle of connection with the ole home state alive! Yak later, BJ Oh, and I have a google account now, and I am, of course, QueenB!

Nobody said...

I'm way ahead of you Queenie dear. Found you already commenting on someone else's site and recognized you. Now to get yourself a blog, so I can heckle, heckle.